Standing Committees

The UF Student Senate has five standing committees which are tasked with carrying out various tasks within Senate, such as allocating funds, reviewing bills before they go to the floor and planning outreach events on campus. Each committee has nine members and are led by a chair who is selected by the Replacement and Agenda Committee, which is chaired by the Senate President Pro Tempore. Every week, each chair gives an update on the current events within the committee as they are pertinent to Senate's inner-workings.

Committee Rosters

The Budget & Appropriations Committee examines, amends as needed, and reports to the Senate the Activity and Service Fee Budget. The committee further examines, amends as needed and reports to the Senate on all student organization operational and travel budgets.

Chair: Maya Idiculla,


Cole Bennett (Vice Chair)
Anthony Boullosa
Caleb Archelus
Jordan Antevy
Kate McNamara
Marco Salvador
Molly Murphy
Rafeh Khan

The Judiciary Committee reviews all non-budgetary bills, resolutions, and proposed constitutional amendments submitted to the Senate. The committee reviews the qualifications of all executive nominations to the judicial branch, determining if they are qualified to hold said office.

Chair: Matthew Bravo,


Aleah Henley (Vice Chair)
Abigail Melamed
Andrew Sabadash
Austin Britton
Emma Fullerton
Noor Golesorkhi

Open Seats: 2