Summer B & Fall 2024 Student Organization Funding Information

Important Dates

  • Docutraq opens for base funding requests: 3/18 at 9:00 AM (ET)
  • Operational, event, and travel requests open 3/25 at 9:00 AM (ET)
  • Docutraq closes for base funding requests: 4/1 at 4:00 PM (ET)

Future updates regarding the funding cycle will be posted here and shared by the Budget and Appropriations Committee. If you have any questions, please email


Docutraq opened for base funding requests on 3/18 and will remain open through 4/1 at 4:00 PM (ET). All student organizations that meet the SG funding eligibility guidelines above can receive up to $1,000.00 for the Summer B & Fall 2024 funding cycle if a base funding request is submitted. These funds can be used for technology, general body meetings, advertising, or events. This funding will NOT be on a first-come, first-serve basis and you will submit the request directly in Docutraq anytime during the 14 days that Docutraq is open for base funding requests. Please review the Base Funding Budget Request Walkthrough. Only one base funding request should be sent in by each organization. Please see code 808.0 for more information and details on base funding.

If your organization officers are not up to date, please see the update instructions under the TRAINING tab on the SG Finance website: You will also need to update your officers with SAI on GatorConnect by submitting the following form:


Event, operational, and travel requests open on Monday, 3/25/23, at 9:00 AM (ET). These requests WILL be heard on a first-come, first-serve basis and you will be able to send in requests through the following Google forms that will accept responses starting at 9 AM on 3/25. If the primary form does not work, please use the sequential alternate link (DO NOT SUBMIT VIA DOCUTRAQ).

Operational Budget Requests:



Event Budget Requests:


Alternate 1

Alternate 2

Alternate 3

Alternate 4

Travel Budget Requests:



The Budget and Appropriations Chairperson or designee will send your organization’s president and treasurer an email with information if your request will be heard by the committee. If you have any questions, please email


Operational Budget Request Example
Event Budget Request Example
Travel Budget Request Example

For your reference, google form examples with the request questions have been provided here. For questions asking for a total, ONLY input the number; do not enter a “$” sign.


800 Codes
Base Funding Budget Request Walkthrough
Student Organization Funding Limits and Restrictions Guide


Current Fiscal Year Budget: 2023-2024 A&S Fee Budget
Past Fiscal Year Budget: 2022-2023 A&S Fee Budget

Current: Summer B / Fall 2024 Student Organization Budgets

Spring / Summer A 2024 Student Organization Budgets
Summer B / Fall 2023 Student Organization Budgets
Spring / Summer A 2023 Student Organization Budgets
Summer B / Fall 2022 Student Organization Budgets
Spring / Summer A 2022 Student Organization Budgets
Summer B / Fall 2021 Student Organization Budgets
Spring / Summer A 2021 Student Organization Budgets
Summer B / Fall 2020 Student Organization Budgets
Spring / Summer A 2020 Student Organization Budgets

For previous budgets and information on how to get funded, please visit the funding tab on the SG Finance page.


Criteria for All Student Organizations:

  • Must be officially registered with the Department of Student Activities and Involvement, with GatorConnect showing the correct officers.
  • Must not be a Sponsored Organization (any student organization which receives direct support from another university entity). This includes, but is not limited to space, direct guidance from paid staff and/or faculty, resources, funding, etc.
  • Must not charge membership fees.
  • Must have at least 10 active members in order to receive operational funding.

If all criteria are met, the President and Treasurer of the organization need to take and pass the “SG Finance Student Organization Officer Training” available via the myTraining website:

Once completed, please send an email to SG Finance – – as follows:

  • Subject Line: New Organization Setup Needed in Docutraq
  • Body of email must include the following:
    • Organization’s name as it appears in GatorConnect
    • President’s and Treasurer’s
      • First and last names
      • UF email addresses
      • UF IDs
      • Phone numbers

You will be notified by SG Finance when your organization has been added to Docutraq, along with further instructions.


Graduate Student Council Travel Grants

Click for the link to the Graduate Student Council page for Travel Grant funding applications