You may begin making purchases only AFTER receiving an email that states: “Current Status: Approved.” The only exceptions are the purchase of airline tickets, conference registration, or hotel rooms ONLY IF THE EARLY PURCHASE RESULTED IN A DISCOUNTED RATE. Discounted rates are assumed for airfare, but you must show proof of discount rates by showing a table of registration prices by date from the conference, or a printout from the conference or hotel website showing early booking discounts by a certain date for rooms. You have between the date of the approval and the last date of travel to make purchases.
Keep in mind that you will need to keep original itemized receipts that indicate the method of payment (e.g., personal credit card, check, cash). If your receipts do not show the form of payment made, you will need to provide a copy of your credit card statement or check.
Department support can use PCard for processing students’ travel. A department TAR will not be accepted in lieu of a TAR submitted through Docutraq to SG Finance.
If you have a UF GO Account, SG Finance will create a Travel Request, on your behalf, based on the approved TAR. You and your supervisor will be notified when it is time for it to be approved. Non-UF Employees do not need a UF GO Profile.